Rosemary Elementary School

Whats for Lunch?

Here is what you need to know.

Staying focused in class is tough on an empty stomach. That's why ensuring your child is well-nourished is a top priority at Rosemary School. Thanks to the Universal Free Meals program, all students receive meals at no cost, helping them stay energized and ready to learn throughout the day.

To help families plan ahead, here is how it works at  Rosemary School.

Monthly Menus

Parents can easily access the school’s monthly meal menus on our school’s home page, making it simple to plan ahead and keep track of what’s being served.

Meal Applications Matter

Filling out a school meals application isn’t just about ensuring your child gets nutritious meals—it also benefits the entire school community. For every student who applies and qualifies for free or reduced-price meals, the school receives over $1,000 in grant funding. These funds are used for crucial resources like student technology, after-school programs, counseling services, and kitchen equipment. Additionally, qualifying families may be eligible for free or discounted internet services and summer camp opportunities.

For more information, please contact the school office or visit the Child Nutrition Department’s website.