Rosemary Elementary School

Cornerstone Corner

This month’s ABC book: “Giraffes Can’t Dance” by

 Giles Andreae tells the story of Gerald the giraffe who is able to dance to his own tune when he gets some encouraging words from an unlikely friend.

Goals of the lesson:

  • Students learn about personal power and practice using their positive personal power
  • to benefit both themselves and others.
  • Students learn that making other people feel good is a great way to fill their own
  • buckets, too!

To reinforce this lesson at home:  

  • Create opportunities to encourage your child to try new things.
  • Offer praise for their willingness to try and practice.
  • Whenever they’re in a negative situation, help your child “switch the channel” to reframe
  • their inner dialogue to create an “I can do it!” attitude.
  • Remind your child: Don’t focus on the black dot. Focus on the white page.
  • Involve children of all ages in family decision making.

Quick Tip: Teach your child practical skills such as how to change a tire, cook a couple of meals, or sew on a button. Well-prepared young people are more likely to feel a sense of personal power.

When you “catch” kids modeling positive behaviors...

Notice, Name it, and Celebrate it!