Rosemary Elementary School

Walk and Roll Wednesdays

Rosemary School’s monthly Walk and Roll event was Wednesday, March 16!

On Walk and Roll days, students who walk or roll to school receiv

e raffle tickets that are drawn during the morning launch to award prizes to students who walk or roll to school.

We would like to acknowledge our parent volunteers who not only on Walk and Roll days, but every morning ensure that our students are dropped off safely at the curb.  A special acknowledgment goes out to a Campbell Middle School student who is obtaining his community service hours while helping out on our Walk and Roll days at our school.

Another warm acknowledgment is for Alisa Arce from the County Public Health Department (Safe Routes to School) and for Ernesto Lizola from the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition for their collaboration and on going support with this event!  

The “Walk and Roll Wednesday” events encourage and promote students to safely walk, bike, or roll to school to help alleviate traffic congestion at Rosemary.  Rosemary’s next Walk and Roll event will be on April 20th 2016. Come and check it out!!