Welcome Back to School!
Greetings from Rosemary School! We hope you are having a marvelous summer. We are very excited about the 2018-19 school year! This year we will be introducing a new Language Art curriculum that is consistent with our vision as an Expeditionary Learning School. In addition, we will be rolling out six new habits of character that will shape our renewed focus on character education: Compassion, Integrity, Reflection, Courage, Leadership, and Excellence. Join us at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, August 24 for a morning assembly community meeting to kick off of the habits of character.
You will be receiving all of the back-to-school information in an email this year. Follow the link you were sent and update your information. You will not receive a packet in the regular mail. Please read everything very carefully. Of particular importance is the Emergency Contact Form. We MUST have this form on file for every student so that our office staff can contact parents –in case of an emergency.
Take note of our attached uniform policy: Navy blue and white shirts with khaki or navy blue pants - no jeans.
School begins promptly at 8:05. Breakfast is available beginning at 7:30 a.m. Students who do not eat breakfast are welcome at 7:45 a.m.
We will NOT post class lists. Class schedules will be given out on August 17 in the school office, to students who present proof of completing the official online forms according to this schedule.
Date Time Last Name:
Friday, August 17th 8:00 – 9:30 am A – F
9:30 – 11:30 pm G – L
12:30 – 2:00 pm M - S
2:00 – 4:00 pm T – Z
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 22.
On the first day of school, parents are invited to the Cafeteria for coffee and a general information meeting with the Principal at about 8:20 am.
Back-to-School Night will be Tuesday, August 28. Please join us at 6 p.m.